“Then what are we going to do, hook up with hippies” – Jeremy So, Team Pink thought they could get a boy to help them build the motorcycle last episode? So, they didn’t watch any of the past seasons. Roadblock: Fire Drill Jen’s doing it (yes, you still gotta call it in armchair racing). We …
Author Archives: Garrick van Buren
Tuesday Music – Seven Standouts from SXSW 2006
Here’s my second set of favorites from the 2006 SXSW BitTorrent, 7 this time. A little background on the process: I’ve got all the songs in an iTunes smart playlist – anything with the album of ‘SXSW 2006 Showcasing Artist’, playcount less than 1, and shuffle is on. Today’s a pretty serious heads down work …
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AT&T – Getting an Annoying Band Back Together
With the recent purchase of Bell South, it’s like you’re least favorite band getting back together for a reunion tour. It leaves a bad taste in your mouth but at least it’s hard to ignore. Of all the telecom services the new (same as the old) AT&T offers; mobile, long distance, local, DSL, etc. Only …
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You Have a Higher Tolerance for Ambiguity in Your Thinking Styles
I suspect anyone who spends more than 5 minutes with me could conclude that, including this neuropolitics.org survey. Here’s their entire first impression of me: “Your responses are consistent with the following attributes: You have a higher propensity for large-group social bonding. You have a probable elevation in your dopaminergic activation system. Your right prefrontal …
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Weblog, Podcast, Videoblog Workshop – March 25, 2006 at Acadia Cafe
If you’re interested in starting a weblog, podcast, or videoblog and don’t know where to start, come by the Acadia Cafe (1931 Nicollet Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403) on March 25th between 2-6pm. I’ll be there, with (hopefully) many other local bloggers, podcasters, and videobloggers to show you the ropes. Everyone leaves with more knowledge …
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Real Estate Agents and Dodo Birds
Steven and Stephen, the dynamic duo behind Freaknomics have a bit on Real Estate Agents being added to the Endangered Species list in the New York Times. Nothing new to anyone with a little understanding of the real estate market and how the internet has dissolved both travel agents and stock brokers. The more conversations …
Two Tips for Cingular to Improve Customer Service
I caught Matt Ritchel’s Suddenly, an Industry Is All Ears bit in NYT on how Cingular is trying to improve their customer service. On page two of the article, Ritchel identifies two small, yet high impact changes Cingular could make to dramatically improve their customer service experience: “There is also a timer that tells the …
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Citywide WiFi Needed in the Twin Cities, As Is Symmetrical DSL
I grabbed lunch with Leif Utne earlier this week. As you might expect, it was a pretty intense conversation on podcasting, technology, politics, and the overlap. First order of business, I’m down with Minneapolis going with a private company to run citywide WiFi network for the two reasons cited in the Strib article: Startup CostsThe …
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Divorce? No. The Divorce? Yes!
Cranking out some wireframes this evening, I needed a little pick-me up. The trusty SXSW Showcasing Artists were there to help out – specifically, The Divorce and their rocking track Yes, off their Gifted Program release.
Amazing Race Season 9 – Episode 1
Two-hour kick off to Season 9. Premieres are tough, lots of people to meet right away, 11 teams, 22 people. Nobody jumped out at us during the introductions. They all talked smack in the same way, “Everyone else will underestimate us, and we’ll beat them.” Blah. Once is bravado – 11 times is scripted insipidity. …