Shef Otis talks about moving from actor in LA to dad of 7 kids under 8 ( in suburban Minneapolis, and his Dadiator Workout program to keep dads as fit as their kids. [51 min].
Author Archives: Garrick van Buren
Adpaper Subscriptions Hold Steady
This morning, staring at the messed up stack of folded broadsheets, I felt bold and broached the subject. “Honey, I’d like to rethink our subscription to the Sunday paper.” After an expectedly tense moment, she replies. “What’s the problem with me perusing a few weekly ads maybe reading the comics. It’s not an extravagant expense.” …
My Rails-based Wiki Engine now in GitHub
I just did the initial commit of the ruby on rails wiki engine I built – here and here for – into the collaborative source-code site github. If you’re interested in helping out – or just need a Rails-based Wiki – you can grab it here:
Pownce, Exit Here.
While, I wasn’t kind to Pownce a year ago, twice even. There are many unfortunate things about the shuttering of Pownce. Halfway down the list is making the mistaken assumption that the same shuttering couldn’t happen to Twitter (or any other centralized, free, web service). Remember Evan sold Blogger to Google 6 years ago – …
Garrick Last Minute Addition to IDSAmn’s ‘Design Your Career’ Event
This Thursday night, Dec 4th, I’ll be giving a brief talk on using online communities & publications – weblogs, Twitter, etc – to position yourself professionally. Word is, I’ll be on after the panel and before the beer. Wait, that can’t be right. More info here: IDSAmn’s Design Your Career IDSAmn + PDMA Co-Panel Event …
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Long Questions
Jen and I start our 12th year of marriage this week. We’ve been together for 15 years. There’s a good chance – Murphy willing – we’ll see our odometers flip together, that’d make 75 years of marriage. Assuming we get there, we’ve got 2 more entire lifetimes in front of us. A decade ago, my …
Micro-vicious Circles
After 3 years, nearly 1500 updates, exploration from many angles, numerous conversations, and wastebaskets full of crumpled analysis, I’m proud to say, I grok Twitter. Like I’ve never grokked it before1. I also know why Twitter, Friendfeed, Facebook, et al, are better* than WordPress, Blogger, MovableType, etc. And it’s completely the blog-engines’ fault. They’re some …
Home is Where the Blog Is
Back in June of ’08, I wrote a (relatively-speaking) lot here. Writing here is much more satisfying than almost any of my neigh 5k 160-character updates. Aside from the obvious freedom-to-be-verbose and control over visual presentation, and self-archiving, here is satisfying. Here is home. Elsewhere isn’t. When you comment here – it feels neighborly. Elsewhere …
Opening Line
Over the weekend, when the boy and I were out and about, we shared the following exchange – on each and every occasion. (automatic doors opens) “Papa, are those doors magic?” “Any sufficiently advanced technology, son…any sufficiently advanced technology….”
The Wrong Stuff
“When software works, it all looks the same. When it doesn’t work, it all looks different.” “How’s that?…Fella, I said, How’s that?” “When software doesn’t work, it all looks scared.” (apologies to Tom Wolfe)