Adpaper Subscriptions Hold Steady

This morning, staring at the messed up stack of folded broadsheets, I felt bold and broached the subject. “Honey, I’d like to rethink our subscription to the Sunday paper.” After an expectedly tense moment, she replies. “What’s the problem with me perusing a few weekly ads maybe reading the comics. It’s not an extravagant expense.” …

Garrick Last Minute Addition to IDSAmn’s ‘Design Your Career’ Event

This Thursday night, Dec 4th, I’ll be giving a brief talk on using online communities & publications – weblogs, Twitter, etc – to position yourself professionally. Word is, I’ll be on after the panel and before the beer. Wait, that can’t be right. More info here: IDSAmn’s Design Your Career IDSAmn + PDMA Co-Panel Event …

Micro-vicious Circles

After 3 years, nearly 1500 updates, exploration from many angles, numerous conversations, and wastebaskets full of crumpled analysis, I’m proud to say, I grok Twitter. Like I’ve never grokked it before1. I also know why Twitter, Friendfeed, Facebook, et al, are better* than WordPress, Blogger, MovableType, etc. And it’s completely the blog-engines’ fault. They’re some …

Home is Where the Blog Is

Back in June of ’08, I wrote a (relatively-speaking) lot here. Writing here is much more satisfying than almost any of my neigh 5k 160-character updates. Aside from the obvious freedom-to-be-verbose and control over visual presentation, and self-archiving, here is satisfying. Here is home. Elsewhere isn’t. When you comment here – it feels neighborly. Elsewhere …

The Wrong Stuff

“When software works, it all looks the same. When it doesn’t work, it all looks different.” “How’s that?…Fella, I said, How’s that?” “When software doesn’t work, it all looks scared.” (apologies to Tom Wolfe)