My 7 Most Influential Albums

Inspired by Kottke’s list of favorite albums, I offer mine. After looking at the list, I’m surprised at the emerging pattern. Yes, this is roughly in chronological order.

  1. Anthrax – I am the Man
    Take 5 white guys, a simple beat, some dorky lyrics, and hit record. I ate up the DIY attitude and the playful self-parody (especially on the Extremely Def Ill Uncensored verion). This album is the reason I have to the urge to start every podcast with

    “We are recording tonight, I want to hear you singing it loud out there.”

  2. They Might Be Giants – Flood
    This was the first compact disc I purchased. After listening to repeatedly, I discovered you just need 2 white guys (not 5), a simple beat, and some dorky lyrics. Of all the albums on this list, this is one Jen and I can agree on.
  3. Rave ‘Til Dawn, Various
    Kottke reminded me how influential this album was for me. For all the same reasons he mentioned. Some how a dorky white kid living on a dirt road and 40 acres of woodland discovered techno music. It doesn’t matter that this album contains the worst of early 4-4 rave music. The first time I heard vocal loops manipulated to create rhythm I was astounded. Of course the voice is an instrument – how had I missed that before. This laid the groundwork for my love of Trans Am’s Futureworld and Add N to X’s On the Wires of Our Nerves.
  4. Too Much Joy – Son of Sam I Am
    The moment I heard their cover of LL Cool J’s “That’s a Lie”, I knew it was the beginning of a life-long, obsessive relationship. Tim Quirk’s lyrics are funny, timeless, and powerful, fully capturing the melancholy of growing up. The music is catchy, poppy, and comforting. In TMJ’s later track, “A Rap Like Mine” they admit;

    “We’re 4 white boys that grew up in the ‘burbs…”

    If The Vandals’ Fear of a Punk Planet ever grows up, it’ll be this album.

  5. All – Percolater
    An All show in Mankato, MN showed me that every song in the world is a love song. Even angry punk songs from 4 white guys with catchy beats and dorky lyrics.
  6. Panacea – Low Profile Darkness
    Sometime in the late 90s, I went to a drum and bass club in Hamburg, Germany. Imagine the back closet of the Star Wars Canteena surrounded by broken robots. That’s what I experienced there – this album was the closest duplicate I could find. Combine with Neil Stephenson’s Snow Crash and Gibson’s Neuromancer for a dystopian, cyberpunk world more enveloping than BladeRunner.
  7. Brad Sucks – I Don’t Know What I’m Doing
    One white guy, simple catchy beats, and dorky lyrics. I completely ate up the DIY attitude and the playful self-parody, “one man band with no fans”. Brilliant.

Heading for the Mountains – Where Else?

Later this month, Jen and I are taking a quick road trip west to break in the PT Cruiser. We’ll be getting as far as Boulder, CO and swinging through Kansas City, KS on the return trip.

I’m itching to see some mountains, and I’ve heard great things about both Boulder and Denver. Outside of that, we’re open.

Got any suggestions on must-see, must-do, or must-meet? I’m open.

Introducing the WP-iPodCatter Plugin

The WP-iPodCatter plugin help podcasters running WordPress create a valid feed for iTunes’ podcast directory. WP-iPodCatter adds 2 iTunes specific fields to WordPress’s post page; one for itunes:category, and one for itunes:explicit.

The zip file also contains a replacement wp-rss2.php file with all the iTunes specific tags in it.

Download WP-iPodCatter v0.5

For suggestions, comments, and all other ongoing concerns with this plugin, head over to the WP-iPodCatter dedicated page

We Edit Each Others Media in a Post-Filter World

Previously, I’ve talked about the a Business Model for Abundance and what price means in an age of abundance.

Seems like a meme going around.

“Soon everything will make it to market and the real opportunity will be in sorting it all out.” – Chris Anderson

Yes, I see Attention.xml playing a big role in this. And I’ve got the napkin sketches to prove it.

Giving the Gift of Listening

David Weeks from Peppermint CDs invited me to join him at a talk by David Isay of the StoryCorp project as part of MPR’s Broadcast Journalism breakfast series.

It was an amazing way to start the morning. Inspiring. I see StoryCorp and podcasting solving the same problem – getting everyday stories heard. Your family’s stories, your friend’s stories, the stories more important and more powerful than those on the 10 o’clock news. Inspiring stories told by these people in voices filled with honesty and authenticity. These are not stories interrupted by car ads and they won’t be repeated every 15 minutes for to keep the Arbitron ratings up. These are our stories.

I urge all of you to grab a microphone, sit down with someone close to you, hit record, and listen. StoryCorp has set up a Do-It-Yourself intervew and recording guide.

David Weeks, thank you again for allowing me to join you. This was an inspiring way to start the day.

iTunes, Bringing Back Old Friends

Our CDs, DVDs, and VHS tapes are still in the boxes we packed them in when we moved from Chicago 3 years ago. The other night, Jen and I were trying to figure out the lyrics to Kenny Rogers’ Gambler, so we dug out the boxes.

Most of the CDs in our collection went right back in the box. There were a handful I had fond memories of, yet they weren’t in my iTunes rotation.

In that list:

A good chunk of the tracks on these albums immediately landed in my ‘Getting Things Done’ Smart Playlist. I smiled each time I rated those songs – knowing they’ll be there, like an old friend, when I need them. Not something possible back when I originally purchased the CDs.

Validating Replacement WordPress RSS 2.0 File for iTunes 4.9

This file has been rolled into the full WP-iPodcatter plugin for easier maintenance and more flexiblity.

Apple’s iTunes 4.9 looks for special tags in podcast feeds [pdf] to populate their directory and categorize the podcast.

Despite my mixed feelings on them adding new tags that seem to duplicate old tags, they’ve done it. Edd Dumbill has a great review of Apple’s RSS extensions. No need for me to repeat it here.

That being said, WordPress is my podcasting system of choice. With that in mind, Kevin Devin put together a replacement wp-rss2.php file for WordPress including the iTunes tags (this is the file that creates the RSS 2.0 feed). I wasn’t able to get his version to validate so I tweaked it and offer it to you.

Download the WordPress replacement wp-rss2.php file
This file has been integrated into the WP-iPodCatter plugin, download it here

If you’ve understood what I’ve said thus far, this file shouldn’t give you any trouble.

Update 30 June 2005: This replacement file now supports the “itunes:keywords” tag.

Update 4 July 2005: This replacement file now validates at the Nobody Likes Onions iTunes FeedCheck. Updates include better images handling, subtitles, and more standard RSS 2.0 tags.