Public Information Shouldn’t Require a Subpeona

I’ve been thinking about this quite a bit lately. I consider all my web searches, this post – and generally anything that’s not email or an instant messsage – public. Now, I’m cool with 1 million random results from the index being handed over to the government under one single condition – anyone, anyone at …

We’re Selling Our House in St. Anthony Village, MN

We’re starting the listing at $189,900 and if you’re interested drop Sam a line. This place just isn’t big enough for the 3 of us. So, we’re moving on. If you’ve followed this blog, you’ll know the backyard is great for watching movies off the laptop and recording podcasts. Bamboo flooring on the first floor, …

End-troducing the Garrick Van Forum

UPDATE: 19 Oct 2007, I’ve pulled the forum. Maybe it’ll come back later, but right now, it didn’t fit right. WordPress’ comment threading aren’t the best place for support questions and ongoing discussion (just look at the comment thread for wp-ipodcatter). It’s too hard to see if someone has already asked your question and to …

Anyone Know How to Read the Treo PhoneCallDB.pdb?

Before I got the Treo, I had a SonyEricsson that worked real nicely with BluePhoneElite and my PowerBook. Sure, Caller ID and answering the phone from the laptop was nice, but what I really miss is the integration w/ iCal. Since the Treo keeps a record of the phone calls and their duration and backs …

And Now a Word From Our Party Chairperson

It’s no secret I consider interruption advertising a waste. Unfortunately, for so long, that’s the only way we’ve received commercial messages. Now, what if I mentioned where evol, peterme and ChrisFromETrade had dinner? Thankfully, I don’t remember – some fantastic crepe place in the Mission district of SF. 😉 Phew, hopefully that little commercial message …

Distribution is Marketing

When we podcast the 2005 MIMA Summit – someone suggested we restrict access to the recordings. They’d be correct if the value of the conference was in the sessions. It’s not. The value is in the hallway conversations, the handshakes, business card exchanges, and direct personal interactions. The sessions themselves are strictly the focal point, …

We Need to Build More Parks Not More Prisons

Smarter people than I can debate the title of this post literally, I’m using it as a metaphor for web development and customer relationships overall. Vendors don’t have full control over their customers. Never did. Best they can do is encourage, support, and remove obstacles impeding their customers’ success. Especially if the vendor wants to …

A Proposal for a TiVo, iTunes, Podcast Ad Formats

30 seconds is way too long. On the TiVo, we’re fast-forwarding through the commercials and other boring bits. We’re still watching as we fast-forward (we get the brand-impression, just more quickly and without sound). Same with podcasts. As I’ve mentioned earlier, we’re not skipping the ads, just getting through them more quickly. I know one …