2701 31st Ave NE St Anthony Village has an MLS Number

The house is on the MLS now – #3152250. Woo hoo. I see this house being perfect for 3 different people: Single people (even with kids)It’s a small place, easy to maintain, with lots of storage. Easy access to downtown and the highways with a huge lot for gardening and landscaping. DINKs or DIPsJust the …

February – One of My Two Least Favorite Months.

February and August are my least favorite months in the upper Midwest. For the same but opposite reasons – uncomfortable weather. February is when the cold and depression of winter finally sets in (11°F as I write this). The snow turns mean in the cold; short-sheeting the dormant brown grass and grating like fingernails on …

First Crack 73. The Banjo Brothers Bicycling Bags

I sat down with Mike, Eric, and Pete of Banjo Brothers for the low down on their grocery pannier and what got them started in cycling bags. There’s also some bits in there about how they’re partnering with bloggers like The Fat Cyclist to improve their bags. Of course, you can buy their bags from …

Measure Map = Google Analytics v2.0?

I sure hope so. The current offering (Urchin assimilated) isn’t that useful. “Bringing Measure Map to Google is an exciting validation of the user experience work I’ve been doing with my partners at Adaptive Path for years. – Jeffrey Veen” Congrats to Veen, Congrats to Google. To PeterMe and everyone at Adaptive Path, I’m sorry …

Shooting Your Hunting Partners is Poor Form

It would have been a sin to grow up in rural Wisconsin and not go through hunter’s safety and purchase a couple of deer and small game licenses. The second and last time I went small game hunting, my dad and I were resting on a felled tree when some sort of creature appeared. I …

Inspired by the Enron – Smartest Guys in the Room Documentary

A decade ago, I was in a job interview for a place I ultimately was employed. My soon-to-be boss asked me how much money I’d like to make in, say, 5 years. It was about that time, blackouts were rolling through California and Wired, Fast Company, Red Herring were all obese with advertising. We were …

Retention is a Measure of Motivation

Ron Baker’s ‘Your Employees are Volunteers’ is a much needed post. It includes gems like: “Today, knowledge workers themselves own the firm’s means of production in their heads.” “In fact, your people are actually volunteers, since whether or not they return to work on any given day is completely based on their own volition.” Thanks …

Postel’s Law Asks, What Are You Ignoring Today?

There are quite a few memes circling this week I’m actively ignoring. Things where this sentence is exactly the amount of energy I’m giving them. If you also follow Doc Searls, these are snowballs I don’t think deserve pushing. This is where the attention metadata stuff gets mushy. I’m talking about the triangles in the …